Monday, April 25, 2005

Middle Aged Women

Rog and I went to see Kung Fu Hustle last night. It's funny (sometimes extremely funny) in a weird, sly, and goofy way. The film takes those kung fu movie stereotypes and turns them on their heads. If you're open to a little weirdness (okay, maybe a lot of weirdness), you should see this one.

One of the characters is a cranky, middle-aged woman with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, who mostly appears wearing curlers, robe, and houseshoes. She terrifies the people around her but at the same time apparently cares deeply for them while rarely ever showing any softer side.

She is a tiger.

I like that. I would like to have that kind of inner strength. But I suppose there is strength in gentleness, too.


Triman said...

I find that strength comes from kicking someone in the groin.

Wyrfu said...

D'you know, I've heard all sorts of opinions on that movie but you're the first to say anything about it that makes me want to see it. It sounds really interesting...

Jodie said...

Gone, I liked it enough that if my kid wants to see it, I'll go back again. And probably laugh just as hard the second time.

Rhodester said...

My Aunt Pauline is in a Kung Fu movie? I thought she was dead! Jodie have you seen Tarantino's "Kill Bill" films? Very entertaining and fun.

Wyrfu said...

I found Kill Bill 1 & 2 a disappointment, Dave, probably because I was hoping for an advance from Pulp Fiction. Maybe that was too much to hope for...

Rhodester said...

well, FINE, then.. I liked them. So THERE.

Actually, I was thinking of starting a BLOG called "my wife works in a video store", because she does, and I get to see all these DVD's for free (we can take home three a day at no charge) so I was thinking of doing reviews of them just for fun. But people are different and have different tastes and so on, so I'm not sure I want to recommend or NOT recommend things that someone else might actually like or hate in spite of what I think.

Does that make any sense?

Jodie said...

I think you ought to write your reviews. :) Every little bit helps when it comes to spending my hard earned money on entertainment -- I always want to make sure I get the most bang for my buck. I liked the first Kill Bill, partly because I liked the stylistic graphic novel feel to it. The second one lacked the mystery of the first one, I though (although it was still very watchable).

Jodie said...

I almost hate to admit it, Gone, but I haven't seen Pulp Fiction yet, partly because scary or suspenseful films have me leaping out of my chair, and partly because when it came out I was in a period of my life when I wasn't watching many movies. And once it's out on video, the pressure is off. :)

Jodie said...

Meepers, I found myself going to your site enough that it was time to add the link. :) And I fixed the other one, thanks!

Rhodester said...

meepers, thanks for the kind words on my writing style. now if I could ONLY get someone to pay me for it..

Jodie, Pulp Fiction is hardly scary or suspenseful.. I've laughed pretty much all the way through it all six or seven times that I've seen it. If you decide to rent it, pick up a "Royale with cheese" from McDonalds on the way home to enjoy with it.. trust me.

Wyrfu said...

Seems I missed all the fun and games. But I say go for the review thing, Dave. You can't please all the people all of the time and there's bound to be occasions when someone doesn't agree with you. But hey, that's what it's all about - imagine how boring life would be if all we had to say was "Yeah, I agree."