Thursday, May 26, 2005

My New Wheels

My arms are tired...but it's really, really nice to be mobile again, and since I'm not walking much, my hip hurts less.

I figure if I do this long enough, at least I'll have very toned arms.

At some point I suppose I'll learn to gauge where the wheels are on the chair so I don't run into/over things. Or maybe not; I'm still running over curbs in my car (and I've been driving for 30 years now). People on campus better watch their toes.

There is no place on a wheelchair to hang a purse or a bag so that it doesn't bump against the wheels, unless it has straps long enough to span both handles. It's awkward to hold it on my lap; it keeps sliding off when I try to open doors. I am very thankful for my chair, but it could have been designed better for independent users. So I suppose I'm going to break out the sewing machine tonight (I have to start work on my backtack project too -- more on that later) and see what I can devise, since I have documents that have to be hauled all over campus that have been piling up. I can just see trying to balance a 10 inch stack of paper on my lap -- what a potential disaster! I have sent some things through campus mail -- which isn't terribly reliable -- but the big stacks of paper have to be hand carried.


The Complimenting Commenter said...

First, congrats on the new ride. Hope you get used to it and get buff in the process. Second, good luck with the sewing machine. I hope you design something indispensible and sell it for millions. It could work.

Thanks for leaving a comment on my site.

Leann said...

LOL on the curb comment. Toes will be curling up in shoes all over campus!!

Airhorn...good idea.

Anonymous said...

How about a bag on the back? In addition to toned arms, it'll improve your dexterity and provide valuable stretching exercise.

Alternatively, hook up a little red wagon to the back and pretend you're a train. A great opportunity to make train wreck AND little red wagon jokes. Loco-motive jokes are another possibility, but a bit obscure for most people.

Jodie said...

An airhorn AND a little red wagon...WOW. I would be the coolest person on campus! Not only that, but I could carry TONS of stuff. :D

So far today I have avoided (barely) rolling too fast down the steep slope at the hospital by using the grip of death on the wheels...

Wyrfu said...

And I like the little red wagon. All you'd need then would be a motor. Let's see... A V-twin should do it, then we can fit big fat tires on the back and a spoiler on the front. Lower the suspension naturally. Of course we'd have to paint a jagged bolt of red lightning on the sides and you'd need lights in case you wanted to go out at night and... Brakes? What d'you want them for?

Jodie said...

Flaming skulls! I think I need those along with the lightning bolts! You know, EVERYONE is going to want one of these when we get through with it. Bwa-ha-ha-ha!

Anonymous said...

You need a purse with a long strap so you can sling it over your neck but not so long that it goes further than your lap.

Jodie said...

And then it'll be too big to get through the halls! :D

HypnoKitten said...

I put a link up to you on my nursing blog at if you want to check it out. Stop by anytime, and nice work on your blog! -HK