Friday, June 04, 2004

Pesky TB Testing

Hmmm. Looks like the TB test might be positive this time. Either that, or the nurse stabbed me so badly that I have a little bump (there is a quarter-size bruise in addition to the bump). Euww. The likelihood is that if it IS positive, it's due to having had so many TB tests. So, I won't worry about it now (easy to write, harder to actually DO!).

Work's been pretty busy for a Friday. Two claudication pain exercisers; one final visit for the leg pain study; and one IVGTT (IV glucose tolerance test) which luckily I am not doing since putting in IVs is NOT one of my talents. Lucky girl got Amy and Mai instead, both of whom are superb nurses with excellent skills. Me, I can talk. :)

Worked on my dryad picture last night. Got three of the birds in the branches then decided I'd smear what I'd painted if I tried for any more -- it's tricky figuring out where to put them in the branches. Maybe I should have done the birds before I did the leaves. So will continue this evening. So far it's good -- I like it. I dreamed I put a snake in the branches as well, so now I think I will probably also add that...tree, birds, woman, snake...yeah, I like it.

Since I still needed to put brush to canvas after I was done with the birds, I started another picture: "Liz Loves Butterflies". It's a painting of my beautiful niece with a butterfly on one shoulder and another in her hair. I got her face done, will work on hair and butterflies after I've done a few more birds. I bought some metallic gold acrylic paint and want to highlight her hair (and maybe the butterfly wings) with that.

I bought some gesso and also some additive for texture. Gave up on the art lessons as Mr. Famous Painter was teaching us NOTHING. So I'm experimenting instead, which is probably better for me at this stage of my life anyway (never went through that teenage thing where I didn't listen to adults, so maybe I'm having it now).

Bev and I are going to take a class in Zen Buddhism at one of the churches here, since our time together with the idiot painter didn't work out very well.

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